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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Google Adsense New 970X90 Ad Unit feature


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Google Adsense New 970X90 Ad Unit- Find out Google Adsense 970X90 Ad Unit CPC and specifications :- About 2 months ago Google launched new 300X600 Ads Unit. However it resulted into a big fail, only 10% of publishers are making use of this ad unit. Most of the times 300X600 AD unit don’t show full ads and remains empty.
So this time Google launched new adsense Unit : 970×90 ad unit ( Super Leaderboard )

Google Adsense New 970X90 Ad Unit

On 24 April, Google Official Blog notified about this ad unit. 970×90 ad units are a newly adopted IAB standard and are also known as ‘super leaderboards’. Its on of the best ad unit for advertisers to promote their products. As 970×90 Adsense unit is new to Google Adsense network, publishers will currently see mainly text ads appearing in this format.For advertisers it will take some time to add their banners for this unit.
I have tried this ad unit on one of my blog. So far CPC is not so good. CPC of 970×90 ad unit is less than 728X90 Ad Unit in my case. However I am using this ad unit since 2 days only. Lets see if there comes any change in CPC. Till then have a view on the views of Google Official Blog on this new ad unit:-
The new super leaderboard ad unit can show up to four text ads organized in a column layout but, as with other ad sizes, the number of text ads per unit may vary per impression. When enabling image and rich media ads for this unit, display ads in the size of a 728×90 unit will be displayed initially. Over time, we expect that the inventory of image and rich media ads for the 970×90 will grow and you’ll see more full-size display ads being served.


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