What is a Domain ?
A domain name is a unique name for your blog or website. For example, for our site its www.naukri2all.com and we had to actually buy this domain name for a decent price.
Now choose a niche with .pw every domain
A domain name is a unique name for your blog or website. For example, for our site its www.naukri2all.com and we had to actually buy this domain name for a decent price.
Now choose a niche with .pw every domain
Long before a person even thinks of launching a blog or website, they have to buy or invest funds on a good domain name. Investing on good domain names is like investing on real estate as domain names if selected properly keeping a few things in mind, can fetch a handsome sum of money on flipping it to somebody else.
But with every positive notion, it also carries along its negative companion too. When selectingdomain names certain basic as well as advanced tips should be kept in mind and if domain names are bought in a hurry (which most people do) it can surely come back to haunt us.
But with every positive notion, it also carries along its negative companion too. When selectingdomain names certain basic as well as advanced tips should be kept in mind and if domain names are bought in a hurry (which most people do) it can surely come back to haunt us.
These small but effective tips can also be of great use to the newbie Internet marketers who are trying to make it big in the field of domain flipping.
1. Keep it Short Name
There is a reason why you go on a domain name registrar site and when you type in a five word domain which also has a meaning, IT HAS BEEN ALREADY TAKEN.
A research has been able to show that all the meaningful three, four and five word domains are almost over. So i usually recommend my readers to go for domain names with less than 10 letters, if you can get your hands on meaningful 10 letter domain names then that’s a good buy.
Anything above 10 can be worked upon a little bit though i don’t prefer except if i want have a thin affiliate or niche site with am EMD (Exact Match Domain) and anything over 20 letters is a disaster in the making. Good luck with that.
2. .COM is Still The Ruler
This is because average normal-day people go for .com domains if they are searching a particular site.
If you are an organization into being then registering the .com and .org extensions is the sensible thing to do and if you are into targeting local geographic audience then registering for country extensions is also a wise choice like .in,pw, .co.uk, .cn and so on.
But the .com extension is always the most favored. Like if you own a site named naukri2all.net and its clearly mentioned on your visiting cards Naukri2all. Now what will a non-internet savvy person would do? he will go in and type naukri2all.com and the saddest part you are not there and your loss becomes somebody’s gain.
3.Being Descriptive
I will give you a statement “people click domains with which they relate to”. This may be a very small tip but this is an essential one trust me.
Try to always buy a domain name which can describe the information the site behind that domain will hold for the normal non-technical audience.
If the audience is able to get the what he will get after clinking a particular domain, then the chances of him actually clicking that domain increases multiple times.
4.Make It Easy To spell
You want traffic and customers and that too lots of it. So the least you can do is have a domain name that is easy to spell and doesn’t creates a fuss when remembering the spelling of your domain as a misspelling can leak your traffic and potential customers to somebody’s website rather than yours.
5.Branding Is a Must
Creating a brandable domain name means somehow by using interesting mixes of words, pronunciations or visual effects to make your domain brand worthy for the future. Possessing a brandable domain name will help your visitors relate to you and the content or services you provide.
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